Why identifiers (digital IDs) matter to scholars and research…

Why identifiers (digital IDs) matter to scholars and research…

Categories: General | Intended for , , , ,

Friday, May 20, 2016

8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Discovery Centre, 4th Floor MacOdrum Library

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

Heloise Emdon & George Duimovich, 8358, heloise.emdon@carleton.ca; george.duimovich@carleton.ca


Limited - Register Now



About this Event

Host Organization: CURO, MacOdrum & Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

ORCID aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communications. The iD scheme is now a standard amongst publishers, and is being used by an increasing number of research institutions and funders around the world.

- Researchers benefit because their research and scholarly communications are more easily and accurately discoverable regardless of platform or search engine.
- Funders benefit because the scientific discovery process is enhanced through clear researcher identifications and connections with publications and affiliations.
- Research administrators benefit because trusted connections between researchers, their affiliation, publications, and funding sources improves institutional research impact.
Who: We have designed the workshops to address the needs of these different audiences:

Session 1: 08:30-10:40 Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) adoption and use by the research community
Audience: Funders, Librarians and the wider Ottawa research community (including federal government, academic institutions and other funding bodies)
Objective: Discuss importance of Persistent IDs (PIDs) in enabling a strong research infrastructure, demonstrate value of cross-sector approach and application of ORCID in the research infrastructure.

Session 2: 11:00-12:30 ORCID: Why identifiers matter to scholars and researchers (yes, that means you!)
Audience: Researchers, Scholars, Authors, Faculty Office, Librarians
Objective: Clarity around use of ORCID identifiers, benefits to the individual and application in the research and scholarship lifecycle.

Session 3: 13:30-15:30 Integrating ORCID identifiers in university workflows
Audience: Researchers/Authors, Faculty Office, Journal Publishers/Editors, IT System Integrators, Librarians
Objective: Clarity around use of ORCID identifiers, benefits to the individual and application in the research lifecycle.

Please note - you may register for more than one workshop!

Register For this Event

80 spaces capacity, 80 spot(s) left.