Theatre of the Oppressed: Anti-Black Racism, Gender, & Class Through the Arts

Theatre of the Oppressed: Anti-Black Racism, Gender, & Class Through the Arts

Categories: Performing Arts, Visual Arts | Intended for

Thursday, April 03, 2025

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Add to calendar

To be shared at time of registration

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

Sarah George, N/A,



About this Event

Host Organization: Department of Sociology and Anthropology x Ottawa Catholic School Board and Institutes of African Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Feminist Institute of Social Transformation

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Institute of African Studies, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, and Feminist Institute of Transformation Studies in partnership with the Ottawa Catholic School Board invite you to this year’s final presentation of “Anti-Black Racism, Gender, and Class: Through the Arts”. This presentation is the result of the hard work of third year Carleton undergraduate students who had the unique opportunity to work alongside OCSB high school students to create a theatrical project that addresses social oppression. Five student led “Forum Theatre” plays will be performed, under the umbrella of Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. Audience members will be invited to participate as “spect-actors” who intervene in the scenes and advocate for better social outcomes.

What To Expect
Four-Five student written and performed “forum theatre” scenes
Audience Q and A and Discussion
The forum scenes have been written by third year Carleton undergraduate students in partnership with OCSB high school students. Through these short plays, students encourage action and reflection on how social determinants such as anti-Black racism, gender, and class negatively impact the livelihood of some young Canadians.

Important Event Information
This event is open to everyone including current Carleton Community members (students, staff, and faculty) and community members (high school students, OCSB students, staff, and faculty, and youth led or- serving organizations).
Registration is required to attend this event.
Presentation Information
Four to Five Student developed forum theatre scenes that assess the intersections of anti-Black racism, gender, and class. The audience will be encouraged to “spect-act” by interacting with the student’s scenes and suggesting ways to de-escalate or transform the social situations.

Available Supports
Please note that the plays contain mature subject matter and may not be suitable for all audiences. The plays depict content that may be upsetting or triggering for some individuals. Information about how to access additional support services will be provided to those who request it after the performance.