The Future of Social Work

The Future of Social Work

Categories: Lectures and Seminars, Panel Discussions | Intended for , , , ,

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Add to calendar

2017 Dunton Tower

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

Susan Braedley, 3662,


No registration required.



About this Event

Host Organization: School of Social Work

Come hear from experienced social workers employed in a variety of fields as they debate and discuss the future of social work. Organized by the Ottawa chapter of the Ontario Association of Social Workers, the School of Social Work and the first year Masters of Social Work cohort, this interactive forum will provide a critical glimpse into the challenges and opportunities in a profession affected by changes to social policy that affect both professionals and the communities they aim to support and serve. Guest speakers are:
Bonnie Schroeder, MSW, RSW
Eastern Regional Director, Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW)
Social Program and Policy Consultant, Private Practice
Carleton Alumni 1999

2. Paula Zafaris, MSW, RSW
Crisis Counsellor
Mobile Mental Health Crisis Team, The Ottawa Hospital
Carleton Alumni 1997

3. Ron Ensom, MSW, RSW
Ensom & Associates
Child Protection Consultant
Carleton Alumni 1972

4. Simone Powell, MSW
Acting Manager, Seniors Policy
Division of Children, Seniors and Healthy Development, Public Health Agency of Canada
Carleton Alumni 2011