Science Café | Advancement of Techniques for Food Authentication The Last Barrier to Prevent Food Fraud
Science Café | Advancement of Techniques for Food Authentication The Last Barrier to Prevent Food Fraud
Categories: Lectures and Seminars, Panel Discussions, Sustainability, Virtual | Intended for Anyone
Location Details
A virtual event hosted on Zoom
Contact Information
Moira McGrath, 16137169790,
About this Event
Host Organization: Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science | Carleton University
More Information: Please click here for additional details.
Food fraud; an issue that is causing a $65 billion USD damage/year to the industry.
Food fraud happens when there are discrepancies between the labeling information and the food in the package, and when those discrepancies are intentional practices for economic benefit.
Food fraud can lead to severe food safety consequences if toxic materials, allergenic ingredients, or deteriorated products have been used.
Food fraud results in mistrust of the food industry and government.
Effective prevention strategies are needed to protect all the stakeholders. As part of UNESCO World Food Week join Yaxi Hu, Assistant Professor in the Food Science Program within the Faculty of Science, for a discussion about the tools and techniques being used as a last barrier for food fraud prevention that is protecting both consumers and the food industry today.