Rise of the Far Right in the Trump/Brexit Era: Lessons for Political Communication in Canada
Rise of the Far Right in the Trump/Brexit Era: Lessons for Political Communication in Canada
Categories: Lectures and Seminars | Intended for Alumni, Carleton Community, Current Students, Staff/Faculty
Fenn Lounge (Residence Commons)
1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON
Contact Information
Melanie Leblanc, x7405, melanie.leblanc@carleton.ca
About this Event
Host Organization: Communication and Media Studies Program, Department of Political Science, Clayton H. Riddell Graduate Program in Political Management
Carleton alumnus Warren Kinsella will examine and discuss the surge in anti-immigrant and anti-refugee sentiment in Western democracies, focusing on the implications for political communication. Mr. Kinsella is a Toronto-based lawyer, author and human rights activist. He has worked on election campaigns for Hillary Clinton, Jean Chretien and many others. His latest book, Recipe For Hate, is about the clash between progressives and organized racism, and will be available for purchase at the event.
Register For this Event
75 spaces capacity, 6 spot(s) left.