Pop Culture in Protest

Pop Culture in Protest

Categories: Panel Discussions | Intended for , , ,

Thursday, February 13, 2020

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM | Add to calendar

A720 Loeb Building

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

Matthew Hawkins, 613-520-2600 x. 2795, matthew.hawkins@carleton.ca


No registration required.



About this Event

Host Organization: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

Inspired by recent global waves of public mobilization from Hong Kong to Chile, Lebanon to Haiti, and numerous other parts of the world, we are interested in exploring how people have communicated their demands and political projects. Noting numerous global references to popular television series and movies, as well as the use of Tik Tok and Instagram-able performances, we will be discussing the role of pop-culture in protest. Each panelist will provide a short provocation before opening the discussion for everyone to participate. We encourage you to come with your own examples and analysis of how pop-culture has been used in protest both recently and historically.

Panelists include Aaron Doyle, Cihan Erdal, Matthew Hawkins, and Vivian Solana.

This presentation is organized by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and Latin American and Caribbean Studies.