Launch of ‘Apps for Billions’ Hackathon

Launch of ‘Apps for Billions’ Hackathon

Categories: General | Intended for

Thursday, April 03, 2014

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Add to calendar

Fenn Lounge (Residence Commons)

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

Jaswinder Kaur, 613 520-7873,



About this Event

Host Organization: Canada India Centre
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

Over the next 3 years over 5 billion people in the world will own a smart phone or tablet. In many emerging countries, access to mobile internet translates to better opportunities for education, entrepreneurship, financial and healthcare services.

Join us on Thursday, April 3rd as we announce the launch of the Apps for Billions hackathon. Interact with the technology and business community in Ottawa as we discuss developing global solutions and how you can get involved.

Hear from our guest speaker, Suneet Tuli CEO of Datawind, creators of the "Aakash" the world's lowest cost tablet. Suneet will share his game-changing plans to revolutionize education, empower the masses, and provide economic opportunity to billions around the world.