Kanata On the Move
Kanata On the Move
Categories: Panel Discussions | Intended for Alumni, Anyone, Carleton Community, Current Students, Media

Location Details
Hub350 350 Legget Drive, Kanata
Contact Information
Benjamin Gianni, 613-520-2600, benjamingianni@cunet.carleton.ca
About this Event
Host Organization: CU@Carleton, Calvin Tong
More Information: Please click here for additional details.
Organized as a panel discussion, this session brings together a series of stakeholders to discuss visions, opportunities, and challenges to the growth and transformation of Kanata North Business Park - Canada’s largest technology hub, and its impact on Ottawa as a whole.
4:30: networking
5:00: Opening remarks, Cathy Curry, Ward Councilor, Kanata
5:15: Panel Discussion
Steve Willis Senior Principal, Discipline Leader, Urban Planning (Canada), Stantec
Andy Thompson, Vice-President of Integration and Transformation, Nokia
Veronica Framer, Vice-President, Marketing, Wesley Clover.
Greg Winters, Director of Planning and Development, Novatech
Daniel Byrne, President, Main + Main.
Terry Young, Vice-President, Operations, KRP Properties
This event is co-sponsored by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and Carleton University (CU@Kanata). The co-organizers are Associate Professor Benjamin Gianni of the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism and Calvin Tong, Director, Carleton U at Kanata North.