Fields-Carleton-Ottawa Distinguished Lecture Series 2018
Fields-Carleton-Ottawa Distinguished Lecture Series 2018
Categories: General, Lectures and Seminars | Intended for Alumni, Anyone, Carleton Community, Current Students, Faculty, Homecoming, Media, Prospective Students, Staff, Staff/Faculty

Location Details
Hamelin Hall (MHN 257), University of Ottawa
Contact Information
Rima Sanaallah, 613-520-2600 x 4388,
About this Event
Host Organization: Office of the Dean of Science
The Fields-Carleton Distinguished Lecture Series have been jointly sponsored by the Fields Institute and Carleton University annually. Each year, a worldwide top notch research leader in mathematical sciences or related fields is invited to Carleton to deliver two lectures, one is for general audience and the other is more technical.
Guest speaker: Dr. Gang Tian, Peking University
Public Lecture
Poincaré Conjecture and Geometrization
Thursday, April 5, 2018
MHN 257, Hamelin Hall, University of Ottawa
70 Laurier Avenue East
6.30 p.m. Reception
7.30 p.m. Lecture
Please note that parking permits are available ONLY for Desmarais indoor parking, or outdoor parking Lot C.
Registrants will receive a parking permit via email. Parking permits can also be downloaded at the Faculty of Science web site:
Research Lecture
Introduction to Geometric Flows
Monday, April 9, 2018 at 10.30 a.m.
MacPhail Room, 4351 Herzberg Laboratories
Carleton University
In this expository talk, Dr. Tian will give a brief tour on geometric flows. He will start with Ricci flow and discuss some of its applications in geometry. He will then discuss some new geometric flows introduced more recently, and show how they can be applied to studying geometry of manifolds. Finally, Dr. Tian will present some recent results and open problems.
Register For this Event
200 spaces capacity, 153 spot(s) left.