Eighth Department of Sociology & Anthropology Teaching Symposium
Eighth Department of Sociology & Anthropology Teaching Symposium
Categories: General, Panel Discussions, Virtual | Intended for Anyone

3101 Canal Building
1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON
Contact Information
Kiley Johnston, 61352026002583, kileyjohnston@cunet.carleton.ca
About this Event
Host Organization: The Department of Sociology & Anthropology
More Information: Please click here for additional details.
The Department of Sociology & Anthropology invites everyone to attend its Eighth Teaching Symposium.
Faculty, instructors, and grad students, please come and join the conversation, and share your experiences, concerns and ideas about teaching.
This is a hybrid event, in Canal Building Room 3101 and on Zoom. To join on Zoom register here: https://carleton.ca/socanth/event/eighth-department-of-sociology-anthropology-teaching-symposium/
Refreshments will be served.
Panel #1: Teaching and AI
Morgan Rooney, Teaching and Learning Services and English Language and Literature, Samantha Stevens, School of Canadian Studies, Phil Primeau and Olava Grunau, Soc-Anth
Panel #2: Teaching in Troubled Political Times
Krista Craven, Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities, Atiya Husain, Law and Legal Studies
Panel #3: Hybrid Learning and Teaching
Nina Dore, Teaching and Learning Services, and Ashley Thompson, Neuroscience
Panel #4: Community Engaged Pedagogy
Deborah Conners, Sociology and Anthropology, Nina Dore, Teaching and Learning Services, and Sarah Gelbard Sociology and Anthropology