EDI Action Plan Launch

EDI Action Plan Launch

Categories: General | Intended for

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM | Add to calendar

Location Details

Zoom (details will be shared with registrants closer to the event date)

Contact Information

Jane van den Dries, 6135202600, janevandendries@cunet.carleton.ca



About this Event

Host Organization: Carleton University
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

Please join us as we officially launch Carleton’s new institutional Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan.

Developed in 2020, the new action plan reflects the priorities in Carleton’s Strategic Integrated Plan, which acknowledges “a pervasive need for greater understanding and commitments to accessibility, equity, diversity, and inclusion,” and calls upon the campus community to “work together in ways that also demonstrate our commitment to equity and inclusion.” Throughout the plan’s development, the Equity and Inclusive Communities Advisory Group consulted extensively with the Carleton community.

The comprehensive action plan outlines ways to reimagine curricular and pedagogical practices and makes recommendations about how to improve student supports, research infrastructure, leadership development for academic and non-academic staff, organizational culture and more.

Please register online to hold your spot at this virtual event: https://carleton.ca/edi-plan/cu-events/edi-action-plan-launch