Colloquium- Beyond the Carceral white Settler University: Radical Abolitionists Imagining and Activism

Colloquium- Beyond the Carceral white Settler University: Radical Abolitionists Imagining and Activism

Categories: General, Lectures and Seminars | Intended for

Thursday, March 14, 2024

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM | Add to calendar

A720 Loeb Building

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 613-520-2582,


No registration required.



About this Event

Host Organization: Sociology and Anthropology
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

As part of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Colloquium Series, Dr. Beverly Bain presents: "Beyond the Carceral white Settler University: Radical Abolitionists Imagining and Activism"

Title: "Beyond the Carceral white Settler University: Radical Abolitionists Imagining and Activism"

Abstract: What does it mean to refuse the university and all its seductive, regulatory and disciplinary institutional trappings of diversity, inclusion, awards, recognition, representation, senior administrative positions, excellence and suppression of dissent? What does it mean to refuse belonging in the carceral, white settler, and corporatized university and instead, work towards creating spaces of intellectual labour shaped by a radical abolitionist practice? This presentation will engage the work of scholars such as Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Rinaldo Walcott and Sandy Grande among others to create and imagine teaching and learning beyond the capitalist repressive and extractivist university.

Bio: Dr. Beverly Bain is a Black radical feminist anti-capitalist scholar and public intellectual. She teaches on Black queer diaspora, feminism, anti-racism, decolonialism, diasporic sexualities and gender and police violence in Women Gender and Sexuality Studies, in the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Toronto. Bain has been an activist and organizer in the radical feminist and anti-violence movement in Toronto for more than 40 years. Bain frequently delivers lectures on gender, anti-Blackness, sexuality, police violence and abolition, nationally and internationally. She is interviewed regularly in the Canadian media on Black Feminist organizing, police violence and abolition. Bain is published in numerous books and journals including Queerly Canadian 2nd edition, We Still Demand: Redefining Resistance in Sex and Gender Struggles, Canadian Women’s Studies, Topia, Fireweed and the Conversation. She is co-founder of Scholar Strike Canada and one of the founding members of The No Pride in Policing Coalition.