Certificate in University Teaching

Certificate in University Teaching

Categories: General | Intended for

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 - Wednesday, March 27, 2019

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Add to calendar

422 Dunton Tower

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

EDC, 6135204433, edc@carleton.ca



About this Event

Host Organization: Educational Development Centre
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

Note: To be eligible for participation in the Certificate in University Teaching (CUT) program, you must be a faculty member, contract instructor, lab coordinator, or other instructionally focused position with a current or upcoming teaching assignment at Carleton University (i.e., within the next year).

CUT is designed to help you further develop your understanding of pedagogy and enhance your teaching skills. The sessions will give you an opportunity to:

-Explore traditional and innovative forms of instructional delivery
-Develop a framework to help design class lectures and activities
-Identify ways to enhance student engagement in your classes
-Receive feedback from course facilitators and participants
-Benefit from in-depth conversations with fellow colleagues
-Arrange for individual consultation throughout the year with facilitators

Each of the sessions will include a presentation and learning activities that reflect a particular theme. Specific themes for the program will include:

-Planning effective instruction
-Exploring teaching methodologies
-Building effective assessment practices
-Managing the dynamics of both small and large classes
-Integrating various aspects of technology into courses
-Addressing issues of student diversity
-Examining issues around the evaluation of classroom teaching

The goal of the program is to provide participants with a safe and supportive environment to enhance their appreciation of sound pedagogy, strengthen their teaching skills and explore new approaches to instruction. Together these three areas will contribute to helping you become more efficient, effective and confident in enhancing the learning environment for your students.

Winter 2019 Cohort
The fall cohort begins on January 16 and ends March 27. The sessions will run on Wednesdays from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (no class on Wednesday, February 20). All sessions take place in room 422 Dunton Tower unless noted below.

-Wednesday, January 16
-Wednesday, January 23 (class will take place in 2017 Dunton Tower)
-Wednesday, January 30
-Wednesday, February 6
-Wednesday, February 13
-Wednesday, February 27
-Wednesday, March 6
-Wednesday, March 13
-Wednesday, March 20
-Wednesday, March 27

*Attendance is a critical component of this program, however, we do offer some flexibility. If you anticipate missing one of the dates indicated, please contact us before registering at edc@carleton.ca.*