3rd Annual Lecture on Computer Science and Society – Building a Fairer Democracy: A Computational Perspective
3rd Annual Lecture on Computer Science and Society – Building a Fairer Democracy: A Computational Perspective
Categories: Lectures and Seminars | Intended for Anyone

342 Tory Building
1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON
Contact Information
Michel Barbeau, 6145202600, michelbarbeau@cunet.carleton.ca
No registration required.
About this Event
Host Organization: School of Computer Science and Carleton Computer Science Society
Title: Building a Fairer Democracy: A Computational Perspective
Speaker: Alan Tsang, School of Computer Science
Abstract: This lecture examines how computer science can help society build towards a fairer democracy. We explore aspects of information (and misinformation) propagation, resource allocation, and voting, from a computational perspective.
Bio: Alan Tsang is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Science. He obtained his PhD at the University of Waterloo, and was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the National University of Singapore. He conducts research in Multiagent Systems, which analyzes systems populated by multiple reasoning agents where the agents may be reasoning about each other. His focus is on the intersection between social networks and social choice. In particular, he is interested in how self-interested agents with bounded rationality interact with social choice mechanisms and each other, resulting in complex emergent behaviors.