24 Sussex Drive: From Residence to Reticence

24 Sussex Drive: From Residence to Reticence

Categories: General, Panel Discussions | Intended for

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM | Add to calendar

Location Details

Carleton's Dominion Chalmers Centre

Contact Information

Donna Malone, 613-520-2366, canadianstudies@carleton.ca



About this Event

Host Organization: Canadian Studies
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

On the occasion of the annual Heritage Ottawa Bob & Mary Anne Phillips Memorial Lecture, The School of Canadian Studies at Carleton University is pleased to partner with Heritage Ottawa and Historic Ottawa Development Inc for an evening of free-wheeling discussion about Canada’s favourite public housing debacle. 24 Sussex has been allowed to deteriorate to the point where there is serious discussion of demolition.

But that may be pre-mature…. So let’s talk about it.

This evening event will be a panel discussion examining the constraints and opportunities of rehabilitation of 24 Sussex. Moderator Andrew Cohen will challenge our four experts to bring their views and ideas to the table.