Academic Air Travel and Climate Change: How Can We Move to Low-carbon Research at Carleton?

Academic Air Travel and Climate Change: How Can We Move to Low-carbon Research at Carleton?

Categories: General | Intended for

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Add to calendar

1811 Dunton Tower

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

Marie-Odile Junker, 7601,


No registration required.



About this Event

Host Organization: Carleton Climate Commons
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

A brow-bag lunch session moderated by Marie-Odile Junker (Linguistics and Language Studies).

Aviation has a disproportionately large impact on the climate system. Since 1990, CO2 emissions from international aviation have increased 83 per cent and there is no formal plan to reduce aviation emissions. Academic researchers are among the highest emitters, as a result of emissions from flying to conferences, project meetings, and fieldwork.

Questions for Discussion:

What are the forces that make us fly?
What incentives might make us fly less?
How can we address these issues at Carleton and encourage a low-carbon culture at the university?

We will examine some initiatives existing elsewhere and discuss possible initiatives for us at Carleton University.

Bring your lunch. We will provide cookies.

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