ACE EDI: A Nationwide Data-Driven Approach to Equitable Course Outcomes in Science

ACE EDI: A Nationwide Data-Driven Approach to Equitable Course Outcomes in Science

Categories: General | Intended for

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM | Add to calendar

4351 Herzberg Laboratories

1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON

Contact Information

Rima Mattar, 613-520-4388,



About this Event

Host Organization: Faculty of Science
More Information: Please click here for additional details.

Post-secondary science educators have an important role to play in supporting equity and inclusion across our courses, programs, and institutions. The extent to which our courses have equitable outcomes influences which doors are open or closed, and to whom, and ultimately determines if we can address the need for diverse teams of skilled scientists to devise and implement effective solutions to global issues. However, by default, these critical and central STEM courses discourage and under-reward students that do not conform to the norm.

The Canadian Consortium of Science Equity Scholars is a group of educators and researchers dedicated to enhancing equity in post-secondary science at the course level. By examining disaggregated course demographic data, we have pinpointed evidence of inequities in course outcomes, perceptions of classroom climate, and sense of belonging.

Through quantitative studies, we have revealed ways instructors can promote equity. Our research aims to change systemic barriers to student success, uncover ways to foster students’ sense of belonging in science, and gather evidence for inclusive teaching practices. This talk will discuss the challenges and opportunities with measuring educational equity and offer ideas relevant to educators from any discipline.